Which basket contains your eggs of joy? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Which Basket Carries the Most Eggs of Your Joy?

We’ve heard the saying most of our lives: “Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.” Originally, this meant that if you went out to get the eggs from your chickens, don’t put all those egg into one basket alone, for if you were to trip and drop the basket, then either all, or the Read more about Which Basket Carries the Most Eggs of Your Joy?[…]

Who gets to write the church-growth books? (image courtesy of pixabay.com).
Is it insanity or faithfulness to do the same thing over and over again in church? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Is Your Church “Insane” Enough?

There is a commonly repeated saying that usually goes this way: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!” We can see this principle as true and valid in various areas of our lives. If we are not brushing our teeth every night, then we can expect to continue Read more about Is Your Church “Insane” Enough?[…]

If your pastor is doing all the work, then you're not following God's guidelines for a healthy church (image courtesy of pixabay.com)
Will we hear the words "well done" when we come to die? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)
Will we be patient in our evangelism just as the farmer is patient with his seed? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Patient Evangelism: God Usually Works Slow

This past week we returned from a local missions conference with one of the speakers being from a country that is closed off and quite hostile to Christianity. As this lady spoke about their work and the great amount of time it takes to build relationships with others within this country, I thought to myself: Read more about Patient Evangelism: God Usually Works Slow[…]

Has innovation, in the name of "rapid church growth," gone too far in the church? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Innovative Church Ministry: Are there really 100 ways to “skin a cat”?

I’ve seen the concept many times outside of church life when it comes to innovative techniques to get various goals accomplished in business, but I have also seen this phrase used often within the church as well, and it is this: “There are 100 ways to skin a cat!”  There are several ways that this Read more about Innovative Church Ministry: Are there really 100 ways to “skin a cat”?[…]