Welcome to the Blog of Billy Reinhardt!

Join the discussion as we reflect on the important matters of faith, life, family, and culture. Deep Thinking, Deep Believing, Engaging Faith.

Has innovation, in the name of "rapid church growth," gone too far in the church? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Innovative Church Ministry: Are there really 100 ways to “skin a cat”?

I’ve seen the concept many times outside of church life when it comes to innovative techniques to get various goals accomplished in business, but I have also seen this phrase used often within the church as well, and it is this: “There are 100 ways to skin a cat!”  There are several ways that this Read more about Innovative Church Ministry: Are there really 100 ways to “skin a cat”?[…]

Will we allow the suffering of Helen Roseveare, medical missionary, to speak into our lives today? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

I Am Rebuked by Her Life: Medical Missionary Helen Roseveare and the Privilege to Suffer for Christ

The quotations from Helen Roseveare are from Justin Taylor’s site from “The Gospel Coalition” here. YOU WILL SUFFER MUCH FOR CHRIST There are a few verses that I’ve had a difficult time understanding since I’ve become a Christian. Those verses have typically involved the word or the concept of “suffering.” I know that this lack of Read more about I Am Rebuked by Her Life: Medical Missionary Helen Roseveare and the Privilege to Suffer for Christ[…]

Is too much material prosperity a spiritual harm to our souls? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Adoniram Judson’s Modern, Americanized Letter to his Future Father-In-Law (Or “If Judson were writing today”)

For some historical context, see the blog post I previously wrote about Adoniram Judson’s astonishing engagement letter to his father-in-law for his daughter Ann here. I was thinking recently to myself, “If Adoniram Judson were a typical, American church member that eschews discomfort and seeks comfort at any price, then what would that letter look like?” Read more about Adoniram Judson’s Modern, Americanized Letter to his Future Father-In-Law (Or “If Judson were writing today”)[…]

Let's take the long-view perspective of our lives and of our trials by seeing them through biographies of others who have traveled our path (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

The Value of Biographies for Perspective in our Lives and our Trials

Whenever we are going through difficult seasons in life, God may use a variety of means by which to bring us comfort. God often brings comfort directly through His Word, and He will also often use people in our lives to console and to speak wisdom into our lives as well. One way that God Read more about The Value of Biographies for Perspective in our Lives and our Trials[…]

Sorrowful yet always rejoicing... (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Joy, Sorrow, the Cross, and Victory

I’ve said often that “The Valley of Vision,” besides the Bible, is by far the most influential book in my life thus up to this point in my life. Its devotional content is phenomenal, sound, and biblical at its core. It is a book based on some of the best prayers and devotions of some Read more about Joy, Sorrow, the Cross, and Victory[…]

The Holy Spirit blows wherever and whenever He wills, therefore, the results of ministry are out of our hands (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Part 2-New Birth: Yet Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-John 3:3-8

You can see Part 1 of this post here  as well as a link here to my other posts on the Church Growth Movement The Church Growth Movement (CGM from here on) has forgotten many verses in the Bible, and one of them is John 3:3-8: 3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless Read more about Part 2-New Birth: Yet Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-John 3:3-8[…]

The Church-Growth Movement's flaw in believing that the "New Birth" can be synthetically manufactured (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Part 1-New Birth: Yet Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-John 3:3-8

You can find a list of some of my other blog posts on the “Church Growth Movement” here FORBES AND WALL STREET V.S. THE NEW TESTAMENT There are many within churches, parachurch organizations, and mission organizations today that believe if you “push the right buttons,” and if you “implement this or that particular program,” and Read more about Part 1-New Birth: Yet Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-John 3:3-8[…]

Both the guilt and eternality of hell as well as the glory and eternality of heaven are seen at the cross of Christ (images courtesy of pixabay.com),

Reflections on the Theological Justification of the Eternality of Hell and the Hideousness of Sin

In The Valley of Vision (this is by far my favorite devotional book which is a collection of Puritan prayers and thoughts) I was reading this particular section today (entitled “The Precious Blood” pg. 74-75): “Show me the enormity of my guilt by the crown of thorns, the pierced hands and feet, the bruised body, Read more about Reflections on the Theological Justification of the Eternality of Hell and the Hideousness of Sin[…]