Welcome to the Blog of Billy Reinhardt!

Join the discussion as we reflect on the important matters of faith, life, family, and culture. Deep Thinking, Deep Believing, Engaging Faith.

Pornography leaves in its trail a load of pain, hurt, broken marriages, and despair beyond words (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Hugh Hefner’s Sad Legacy: The Dangerous Ripple Effect of Porn

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:5-6). “Porn doesn’t have a Read more about Hugh Hefner’s Sad Legacy: The Dangerous Ripple Effect of Porn[…]

Does Christianity offer hope and comfort in the midst of life's most difficult circumstances? (image courtesy of pixabay.com).

Making Sense of the Texas Church Massacre: What You Believe Matters-Part 2

In my previous post, I attempted to show that what you believe matters, and that when it comes to making sense of the Texas Church Massacre, atheism fails to supply adequate resources when responding to the problem of evil. I also brought up the fact that atheism offers very little comfort or satisfying responses to Read more about Making Sense of the Texas Church Massacre: What You Believe Matters-Part 2[…]

Are we able to make sense of the Texas Church Massacre within an atheistic context? (images courtesy of pixabay.com)

Making Sense of the Texas Church Massacre: What You Believe Matters-Part 1

The atheist philosopher, Bertrand Russell, once made this comment: “No one can sit at the bedside of a dying child and still believe in God.”  Certainly, from the outset, this statement sounds really powerful.  How could I, a Bible-believing Christian, who claims to believe in a God that is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, reconcile His Read more about Making Sense of the Texas Church Massacre: What You Believe Matters-Part 1[…]

Is it insanity or faithfulness to do the same thing over and over again in church? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Is Your Church “Insane” Enough?

There is a commonly repeated saying that usually goes this way: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!” We can see this principle as true and valid in various areas of our lives. If we are not brushing our teeth every night, then we can expect to continue Read more about Is Your Church “Insane” Enough?[…]

Do we really believe that God has Christians' good in mind whenever even the toughest afflictions may come into our lives? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Charles Spurgeon: Help from his View of Affliction

See a previous post I wrote on the value of biographies here Have you struggled with adversity in your life? Have you often wondered how to properly view the trials and struggles you’ve encountered? I know I have.  What I want to share with you now is some of the thoughts from the life of Read more about Charles Spurgeon: Help from his View of Affliction[…]

If your pastor is doing all the work, then you're not following God's guidelines for a healthy church (image courtesy of pixabay.com)
Will we hear the words "well done" when we come to die? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)
Will we be patient in our evangelism just as the farmer is patient with his seed? (image courtesy of pixabay.com)

Patient Evangelism: God Usually Works Slow

This past week we returned from a local missions conference with one of the speakers being from a country that is closed off and quite hostile to Christianity. As this lady spoke about their work and the great amount of time it takes to build relationships with others within this country, I thought to myself: Read more about Patient Evangelism: God Usually Works Slow[…]