Welcome to the Blog of Billy Reinhardt!

Join the discussion as we reflect on the important matters of faith, life, family, and culture. Deep Thinking, Deep Believing, Engaging Faith.

Every Worldview has Difficulties: More Offense is Needed in Christian Apologetics

As I look on my bookshelf I have books entitled “Difficulties in the Bible” and “Hard Sayings of the Bible” and “The Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties” and “Is the Bible True?” and “Is God a Moral Monster?” and “Why I am a Christian” and “The Complete Book of Bible Answers” and many others. By their Read more about Every Worldview has Difficulties: More Offense is Needed in Christian Apologetics[…]

Hope and Strength in the Midst of Sin and Failure

Hope and Strength in the Midst of Sin and Failure

When you have sinned and failed God again, where do you turn? Where do you go? To whom do you look? What do you do in those moments of great brokenness, guilt, and shame? Also, how do you keep walking with God, everyday, knowing that you will fail Him again and again?