“But Eugene Peterson is also 84 years old. The interview with RNS was actually a valedictory event, of a sort. He announced that he would not be doing any more public speaking or teaching. Peterson had every reason to expect that he would conclude his public ministry without having to answer these questions.
Until that final interview…
Most of his generational colleagues are either dead or safely retired. Peterson’s longevity is a testament to his continued literary production and power. He almost made it home without answering the question, but then it happened.”
What is scary to me about this public ending of Peterson, with this supposedly being his last interview, is that he has, in essence, severely tainted his reputation as an evangelical leader with one interview, in fact, what could be his final interview. After many decades of writing and preaching and work in the evangelical world, and doing some Kingdom good I believe, has, with what are possibly his final public words, smeared himself with words of confusion, lack of clarity, and compromise of the biblical text. May God help us, with our final interview, to be more faithful, more consistent, and more biblical with our last words lest we do the same. May God help us, with our final interview, to be more faithful, more consistent, and more biblical with our last words lest we do the same Click To Tweet Let me be clear: I am not invalidating all that Peterson has done and I am not saying that he is “broken beyond repair.” What I am saying, in the least, is that he has hurt his evangelical reputation by stuttering on the biblical text about homosexuality and the entire LGBTQ movement. Grace is, and should be, available to all, and for every sort of sin and “mistake,” but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be practical consequences to our actions with our forgiveness in hand. While it is quite clear that we are all broken and will fail in many ways, it is my prayer that God would keep us faithful to whatever public ministry or public influence we may have, and that we would steward well that which He has graciously given to us. May God help us to finish well & to finish strong in our work for Him & by speaking clearly for Him, without hesitation, when He has spoken clearly.
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