wet floor warning sign

The Anatomy of a Moral Fall

We must keep an eye on our hearts at all times. We are either going forward, or we are going backwards. We are either progressing in holiness, or we are digressing towards sin. We are either headed towards God, or we are running from God. There is no way to stand still in our pursuit of God and holiness, and a measurement for this is the status of our hearts.

There is always pain and ruin on the other side of the "bite" of the forbidden fruit of sin (image courtesy of pixabay.com).

The Cunning Nature and Destructive Results of Sin

When we sin it is akin to taking many years of my time, and many millions of my own money (hypothetically!) to build a building that I have planned on constructing for decades. Once the building is fully completed after much effort and much toil and many resources expended, let us imagine that I then Read more about The Cunning Nature and Destructive Results of Sin[…]

Both the guilt and eternality of hell as well as the glory and eternality of heaven are seen at the cross of Christ (images courtesy of pixabay.com),

Reflections on the Theological Justification of the Eternality of Hell and the Hideousness of Sin

In The Valley of Vision (this is by far my favorite devotional book which is a collection of Puritan prayers and thoughts) I was reading this particular section today (entitled “The Precious Blood” pg. 74-75): “Show me the enormity of my guilt by the crown of thorns, the pierced hands and feet, the bruised body, Read more about Reflections on the Theological Justification of the Eternality of Hell and the Hideousness of Sin[…]

What are you currently learning through trials? (Image courtesy of pixabay.com)

7 Lessons That Trials Teach Us

If you find my blog encouraging or informative, please subscribe in the top, right-hand side of the website (if on a laptop) or at the bottom of the page (if on a mobile device). Thank you! It has been said that you are either going through a trial, have just finished going through a trial, Read more about 7 Lessons That Trials Teach Us[…]

How do we make sense of the mess this world is in? (Image courtesy of pixabay.com)

How do we make sense of the mess this world is in?

Note: I always welcome and look forward to your feedback in the “Comment” section below! I was once told by a professional counselor that when someone is going through a traumatic event it’s very important that the victim be able to create a story (true story, as in, a sequence of the events that have Read more about How do we make sense of the mess this world is in?[…]

Before you remove a fence, first ponder why it was put there to begin with

What is Sin?

What is sin? 1 John 3:4 says, “Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; sin is the breaking of law.”  If sin is “breaking of law,” then what law or whose law are we breaking? Obviously, we are breaking God’s law. Romans 3:23 defines sin as falling short of the “glory of God.” Both Read more about What is Sin?[…]