God’s Purposes in Pruning Us
God uses suffering and pain in the lives of his children to prune us and refine us.
God uses suffering and pain in the lives of his children to prune us and refine us.
Do you have the false idea that Christianity is hostile towards honest doubters? Jesus Himself was sympathetic towards doubters like Thomas.
The guys and gals who write the books on church growth and “ministry success” need not congratulate themselves too much, as good as their work can be. Certainly, there is much to learn from anyone and we should all be open and willing to learn from even the most unlikely sources. With that being said, Read more about Who Should Write the Church-Growth Books? Understanding the Role of Seasons in God’s Work & in the ministry of Billy Graham[…]
For some historical context, see the blog post I previously wrote about Adoniram Judson’s astonishing engagement letter to his father-in-law for his daughter Ann here. I was thinking recently to myself, “If Adoniram Judson were a typical, American church member that eschews discomfort and seeks comfort at any price, then what would that letter look like?” Read more about Adoniram Judson’s Modern, Americanized Letter to his Future Father-In-Law (Or “If Judson were writing today”)[…]
You can see Part 1 of this post here as well as a link here to my other posts on the Church Growth Movement The Church Growth Movement (CGM from here on) has forgotten many verses in the Bible, and one of them is John 3:3-8: 3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless Read more about Part 2-New Birth: Yet Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-John 3:3-8[…]
To see my last two posts on the “Church Growth Movement” click here for the first post on defining the movement, and here for the second post describing the first “Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement.” Have you ever thought about what the purpose of the pastor of a church is to be? There are Read more about Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-“Feed My Sheep!”[…]