Forgotten bucket

The Forgotten Verse of the “Church Growth Movement”

DEFININING SUCCESS IN MINISTRY/CHURCH WORK How do you define “success” when it comes to church and ministry work? How we currently define “success” in the American church looks a lot like the type of “success” we’d typically find in many corporate business settings today. There is nothing inherently wrong with business since it can be Read more about The Forgotten Verse of the “Church Growth Movement”[…]

Church growth movement

What is “The Church Growth Movement”? (And What Effects Does it Have On Your Church?)

See if you can identify with this man’s story below regarding his friend’s church: “A friend recently read me a letter from a prominent Texas church that had just planted a satellite campus in Florida. The letter was addressed to pastors, and described the church’s strategy for getting Floridians to the new campus. Their approach? Read more about What is “The Church Growth Movement”? (And What Effects Does it Have On Your Church?)[…]

Before you remove a fence, first ponder why it was put there to begin with

What is Sin?

What is sin? 1 John 3:4 says, “Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; sin is the breaking of law.”  If sin is “breaking of law,” then what law or whose law are we breaking? Obviously, we are breaking God’s law. Romans 3:23 defines sin as falling short of the “glory of God.” Both Read more about What is Sin?[…]

Putting quotes on your wall is a good thing!

Why You Need Meaningful Quotations on your Wall (or somewhere!)

For many years I had over 40 pieces of paper on my office wall that had quotations on them. Some sheets had multiple quotes, so I probably had anywhere from 50-60 total quotations on the wall.  These sheets of paper were literally taped on the wall and I put them in a place where if Read more about Why You Need Meaningful Quotations on your Wall (or somewhere!)[…]

If we don't have any questions, then we probably aren't thinking (image courtesy of

Questioning Christianity in College

Maybe you’ve been in a similar type of situation like the one I’m about to describe.  I can still remember sitting in my New Testament class at the University of Alabama & our professor asked us if there were any questions we had from our required reading assignment for the day. I’ll never forget one Read more about Questioning Christianity in College[…]

Welcome to my blog! (Image courtesy of

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to my blog! (Image courtesy of

Welcome to my blog! (Image courtesy of

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Billy Reinhardt and my goal with this blog is to encourage conversations regarding the Christian faith, culture, family, and life in general. Here are my general interests that will provide some content to this blog: I love Jesus, my family, the church, apologetics, theology, teaching, reading the Bible, thinking deeply (to a fault at times!), laughing, reading “The Valley of Vision,” (<<Best Devotional Book next to the Bible), reading Puritans, and a thousand other things that God has given us to enjoy and pursue in this life. […]