How do we make sense of the mess this world is in? (Image courtesy of

How do we make sense of the mess this world is in?

Note: I always welcome and look forward to your feedback in the “Comment” section below! I was once told by a professional counselor that when someone is going through a traumatic event it’s very important that the victim be able to create a story (true story, as in, a sequence of the events that have Read more about How do we make sense of the mess this world is in?[…]

In light of eternity, what should be our highest priorities? (Image courtesy of

Will Jesus Say, “You Took Me Too Seriously!”?

If you do not know who Leonard Ravenhill is, then I would love to introduce him to you.  Ravenhill was a minister who held revival meetings in the middle part of the 20th century in Europe where thousands were influenced, and then he moved over to America at some point to minister. He died in Read more about Will Jesus Say, “You Took Me Too Seriously!”?[…]

Pastor: Are you keeping a shop or leading your people spiritually?

Is the Pastor a Shopkeeper and is the Church a Shop?

(In my last post I presented Jesus’ statement of “Feed my Sheep” as a primary purpose of a pastor in contrast to the “entertainment” model as held forth by the Church Growth Movement [CGM] philosophy).   What do you think is the purpose of a church and its ministers? I want to continue my critique Read more about Is the Pastor a Shopkeeper and is the Church a Shop?[…]

Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-“Feed My Sheep!”

To see my last two posts on the “Church Growth Movement” click here for the first post on defining the movement, and here for the second post describing the first “Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement.” Have you ever thought about what the purpose of the pastor of a church is to be? There are Read more about Another Forgotten Verse of the Church Growth Movement-“Feed My Sheep!”[…]

weightlifter-heavy load-weight of glory too heavy (Image courtesy of

The Praise and Glory that Crushes Us

“On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God” (Psalm 62:7). I think that it is quite natural to want to receive praise from others for the work that we do. We are seeking an affirmation from others incessantly in some measure.  Affirmation from our bosses, our spouses, our Read more about The Praise and Glory that Crushes Us[…]

Hope and despair signs

Where Can You Find Hope in the Midst of your Trials?

Maybe you are going through a tough time right now in the form of a trial or great challenge in your life. Whatever it is you are going through, most likely it is something that was not expected and has, literally, “ambushed” your life.  We are all bound to go through difficulties in our lives at Read more about Where Can You Find Hope in the Midst of your Trials?[…]

Brokenness and Reconciliation

How to Acquire Reconciliation in Your Relationships

Maybe you can relate to the scenario of fighting with a loved one or having a disagreement with a co-worker about a particular matter to an extent that it damages and breaks the relationship. When there is an offense between two people in a relationship, and it is hindered due to that offense, then reconciliation Read more about How to Acquire Reconciliation in Your Relationships[…]

Our failure and God's Grace

Peter’s Failure and Our Failure Meet God’s Grace

  I was reading recently in Luke 23:54-62 and the account of Peter’s denial of Christ. When we think about failure within our own lives and ministry, there are many things that don’t quite measure up to this type of failure. Our own stinky attitudes and pride may contribute to some failure in our lives, Read more about Peter’s Failure and Our Failure Meet God’s Grace[…]