The Best Gift You Could Give Anyone
The best gift you can give anyone is a holy life
Join the discussion as we reflect on the important matters of faith, life, family, and culture. Deep Thinking, Deep Believing, Engaging Faith.
The best gift you can give anyone is a holy life
Is it possible that as we focus so intensely on what we want that we forget to Whom we are praying?
God uses suffering and pain in the lives of his children to prune us and refine us.
We must keep an eye on our hearts at all times. We are either going forward, or we are going backwards. We are either progressing in holiness, or we are digressing towards sin. We are either headed towards God, or we are running from God. There is no way to stand still in our pursuit of God and holiness, and a measurement for this is the status of our hearts.
There are many hopes and dreams built into being a parent, and, yet, when we lose a child, these hopes and dreams are suddenly taken away from us.
While our secular age may scoff at the prospect of an empty tomb, it will find no cure from the ills that death bring apart from that empty tomb.
I love sports. I have played some form of athletics, recreationally, since I was around at least 7 years old. It began with basketball in the backyard with a make-shift goal that my dad built himself. He built the backboard out of plywood and then nailed it to a tree. Creative! I did play one Read more about For the Love for Sports and the Glory of God[…]
Our impending deaths should inform and feed our eternal hope in Jesus Christ, and should fuel our gradual release from the cares, concerns, and hopes of this world